Postpartum Doula Support in Canberra & surrounds
Our Approach
The transition to motherhood can feel different to what society’s framework would first have us believe.
From the minute our baby is finally in our arms, we are on a physical rollercoaster and it can be a confusing time to navigate for many reasons.
My passion is providing the holistic physical and emotional support required to assist mothers to feel held, safe and comfortable to navigate this chapter of their lives. These requirements may look completely different from one woman to another.
My role is to understand your individual needs and provide you with that ‘safe’ support you need to stay connected with the woman you are AND the mother you are during this time.
Postpartum Care - ‘Holding the Mother’
“Enjoy this time”
“Motherhood is so magical”
As a mother we can experience both… the magic of their beautiful breath and tiny hands... and a huge sense of overwhelm and uncertainty.
At Holding Mum, our work revolves around assisting and caring for the mother’s wellbeing and health after birth. We understand that every mother’s experience is unique and requires empathetic assistance and care in individual ways, whatever that may look like for you. We do this work to value your long term health. How the mother recovers in the first 40 days after birth can have lasting effects on her long term physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
In-person Support and Remote Options
We provide services in Canberra, Queanbeyan Gundaroo and Sutton.
I also offer video/phone appointments for remote support: Warm chats and mentoring for your motherhood journey, coping strategies for different stages.
I love it even more when I see you onscreen in your comfies and baby in arms.
Appointments can be made via our booking system. I’d love to discuss your motherhood experiences with you.
Why do I need a Postpartum Doula?
My partner needs to return to work early
I don’t have a support network close by that can provide non judgemental care
I feel I may struggle when the baby is born
I want to have time to take proper care of myself personally, physically and mentally during my postpartum period
“You don’t have to be ‘struggling’ to ask for help.
We were never meant to raise babies alone.”